Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy Birthday!!!!!!

A few weeks ago, we officially celebrated our Dad's 39th birthday. Mom took him out to go see a movie while Grandma watched us kids. She had made a pound cake and I got to decorate it. We chose a Kung Fu Panda theme. I stuck little Kung Fu Panda action figures on top and wrote 'Happy Birthday' in Chinese characters. Around the side I wrote 'Today is a gift' from the 'Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, but today is a gift' line from the movie.                                     

The little ones traced his work tools on paper, and then cut it out and gave
 them to him for a present. 

Elizabeth pointed out that the hole in the middle kind made it kind of look like an old
Chinese coin. 

                                                   Happy Birthday. We love you, Daddy!!